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Aspect:     Soil:
Season of Interest:
  Salt Wind Tolerant  
Height:       Flower Colour:
Good for Bees       Scented Good cut flower Less palatable to deer or rabbits
Cold Hardiness:
(Hardiness Map)

Availability List Updated On: 25/07/2024
You searched for:   Your query returned 1060 plants    
Recent additions and changes marked with an *.   
Plants in stock but not yet ready for sale have their names in grey.   
Cultural Preference symbols:
Aspect - 🌞 FullSun 🌓 Partial Shade 🌑 Full Shade
Soil - 🌵 Well Drained 🌈 Moist Well Drained (Ordinary) 💦 Moist 🍁 Humus Rich 🍋 Calcifuge
🐝 Good for bees or butterflies 👃 Scented flowers or foliage 🏆 RHS Award of Garden Merit
✂ A good Cut Flower 🦌 Less palatable to deer and rabbits
Salt wind tolerance -
     💨 Good coastal plant
     💨💨 Very tough coastal plant, rarely burns, recovers quickly after storms
     💨💨💨 Extremely tough coastal plant, far hardier than you probably need

Acaena inermis 'Purpurea'